heavy box


how heavy?
32lb (14.5 kg) roughly a medium-sized dog

what are you going to do with it?
a centralized place for my digit/art project and my analog output. think of it as an effects unit or dsp in a box, but it’s also a silent computer with good processing power (as the time of this writing). the main project is to remix videos on the fly while playing an instrument.

what os/software are you using?
ubuntu studio with a low-latency kernel; pure data (effect rack, video player); sooperlooper (looping station); control (osc android application) all open source project

what kind of wood did you use?
okoumé (marine plywood). it’s a light wood and i was able to cut it with a x-acto!

i want more information
sure! source of the project (mainly related to the electronics) are here


01 2013

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