guitar neck tracking & gesture recognition
i finally found something useful to do with my kinect: tracking the neck of a guitar and using gesture recognition to control the FX rack of a pure data patch.
Guitar neck tracking
i used the natural interaction middleware hand tracking example (PointViewer) and added open sound control (liblo). latency is 33ms. you can download the source and the executable for linux (64bit).
Gesture recognition
i am using the neat gesture recognition toolkit by Nick Gillian. using the DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) example (coded in openframeworks), i simply added open sound control to send the predicted gesture to pure data. you can download the source and the executable for linux (64bit).
Pure Data
nothing fancy here, just a patch to send the tracking via osc to the gesture recognition i get back the result from it, apply some FX to an incoming signal using X, Y, Z. you can download the patch.